We refreshed the home page in March 2022, turning it into a destination and improving bounce rate by -5% over a two week period. Working with four developers and a data scientist, I shared contribution of product, research, UX and UI work with another designer in 2022.
The need
Our home page didn't reflect the garden visitation proposition since exiting the marketplace business. We needed to reinvent Candide as a destination to drive our core goals of 200 clients and increased ticket revenue by 2023.
Who visited the website
My colleague and I collected 85 survey responses via Hotjar to understand existing user needs. Most common were accessing ticket products, second discovering new gardens, and third getting help.
How do people plan days out?
We then interviewed 5 people to learn why they visited a public garden and how they chose it. We noted a conflation of gardens and parks with price as a blocker for people used to free green spaces. And that people started their search with Google Maps and other curation services.
The key challenges were selling Candide to first time users, engaging passive users with gardens they could visit and making it easy for prospective clients to find the information they need to partner with us.
Spotlight on discovery
We ported and re-organised the existing garden discovery content hidden in depth pages. For active visitors, we promoted search in visual hierarchy and functionality to get to a specific garden faster. For passive visitors we showed nearby gardens and encouraged garden tourism with nearby and popular regions. Working with marketing, we designed dynamic hero and editorial cards to inspire passive visitors and encourage repeat visits.

Refreshing the brand
We developed the brand identity to match our new value proposition. With upcoming priorities, we knew we wouldn't have the opportunity to do this retrospectively so included it as part of later project phases.

I gave design updates to depth pages to match the visual language of the home page. We had to deprioritise these due to challenges with team capacity.

The first version of the home page featuring the new hero, support cards and nearby garden and regional carousels launched in March 2022. We recorded a -5% bounce rate over two weeks suggesting more users found what they needed - whether gardens to visit, support material or partnership information.
While -5% is a success, we predicted -15%. It could be our qualitative user tests weren't a good proxy for scale or that we didn't account for marketplace users returning to the website. Or that we launched when gardens re-opened, observing thousands more hits - possibly with new user needs. We learned to find a more reliable secondary metric for quantitive projects moving forward.